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Embedding Counselling and Communication Skills : A Relational Skills Model read online book FB2, DOC, MOBI


Embedding Counselling and Communication Skills provides step-by-step learning for those looking to gain theoretical and practical understanding of using counselling and communication skills within the helper role and explores how to apply these skills in the context of professional practice. Becky Midwinter and Janie Dickson introduce the reader to a new Relational Skills model which demonstrates the phases of relationship development. The authors show what happens within each phase and identify how and when to use skills appropriately. Learning is brought alive through the use of online unscripted video clip sessions of a real helper/client relationship giving the reader opportunities and encouragement to reflect and evaluate their learning. Written in a clear and accessible teaching style, "Embedding Counselling and Communication Skills "progresses through the initial helper communication skills that are used in every day life, to the more complex and in-depth counselling skills required in a helper relationship. Knowledge of reflective practice, aspects of the relationship and how to manage change ensures the text considers the full range of general and specific skills and abilities required in a helper role situation, whilst the supporting online material is an invaluable tool to deepen and embed the theoretical understanding; practical application and self-reflection. This book will be an essential resource for students taking an introductory counselling skills course and qualified professionals who wish to enhance their knowledge of embedding counselling skills into their work and practice. "

Read book Janie Dickson - Embedding Counselling and Communication Skills : A Relational Skills Model in TXT, EPUB

Visit The REA Study Center for a suite of online tools: The best way to personalize your study plan is to get frequent feedback on what you know and what you don't.She concludes with a discussion of twenty-first century hospital gardens being created by designers such as Dan Pearson, and assesses the current interest in such spaces.What s best for you depends on how much time you have to study and how comfortable you are with the subject matter.The use of examples from clinical trials and epideomological studies provide the basis for a series of practical exercises, which provide instruction and familiarize the reader with essential Stata packages and commands.This book addresses issues faced by research scholars in the fields of sports science and physical education by providing detailed analytical solutions to various research problems through the use of SPSS.The effects of such exposures are often graded and subtle - they do not simply disrupt development or induce disease themselves - but can affect how rapidly disease develops in an individual.Both the book and the website en art current development and emerging themes including asset-based approaches, the concept of 'well-being' and mental health promotion and the use of social media in promoting Book jacket., The definitive text on health promotion, this book covers both the knowledge-base and the process of planning, implementing and evaluating successful health promotion programmes.This says that claimed mental illnesses, from ADHD to schizophrenia, really are illnesses providing they are sufficiently similar to agreed physical illnesses.