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Ebook European Family Law Volume III : Family Law in a European Perspective (2016, Hardcover) in PDF, MOBI


This four-volume set maps the emerging European family law. It is intended to serve as a resource for anyone interested in this area of law, as well as a basis for teaching on comparative and international family law courses. The first volume examines the impact of institutions and organisations on European family law. While there is no European body that could actually legislate definitively on family law, there are some institutions that have a direct impact on European family law, while the impact of others is more indirect. In the second volume the changing concept of 'family' and challenges for domestic family law are analysed in 21 different jurisdictions, in 16 chapters. All contributions look at 'horizontal' family law (the law concerning the relationships between adults), 'vertical' family law (the law concerning the relationships of adults and children) as well an 'individual' family law (the law on names and gender identity). In the third volume the contributions take a comparative view on specific issues from a European perspective. The fourth volume, which works as a stand-alone monograph, draws on all of the previous chapters, and discusses the present and future of European family law. It establishes areas where 'institutional' European family law exists - in the sense that there are binding legal rules for all European jurisdictions - for example, as a result of a decision by the European Court of Human Rights. It also identifies areas where, as a result of common legal and social developments for 'horizontal', 'vertical' and 'individual' family law, an 'organic' European family law is emerging and suggests how family laws in Europe are going to develop in the future.

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As well as being essential for any Australian lawyer, the history underlying and informing the Australian legal system is a uniquely interesting amalgam of English, American and local developments.The two volumes of Historical Foundations of Australian Law set the very highest standards of analysis and scholarship.Will genetic engineering change our basic nature?Features: Gives student basic grounding in discrete non-legal topics that are important to the contemporary study of law Includes "Test Your Understanding" boxes to allow students to use what they are learning Friendly writing style Images and graphics help students remember material, With the aim of decreasing students' anxiety and increasing their chances of achieving academic success, What Every Law Student Really Needs to Know: An Introduction to the Study of Law, now in its second edition, prepares students to succeed in their first year of law school.His use of plain language and relaxed written style will help readers to achieve a deeper understanding of traditional trust concepts and how these are currently being used to solve modern legal problems.Commercial Law, 4th edition covers consumer law initiatives based on EU directives, plus significant commercial case law.The devil is in the details, and nowhere is that statement truer than in the legal profession.Learn all about: -Exposure.This is a profound and visionary reconceptualization of the very foundations of the Western legal system, a kind of Copernican revolution in the law, with profound implications for the future of our planet.In his 1758 Historical Law-Tracts, Henry Home, Lord Kames, combines the natural law framework that underlies his Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religionwith the "conjectural" or philosophical approach to history that would receive its fullest treatment in his Sketches of the History of Man.White Balance and Color Temperature.